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PRINCESS KIT - Pads and Tampons Both

Regular price $24.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $24.99 USD
Sale Coming Soon
Number of Pads or Tampons

The monthly period subscription box that arrives discreetly every month with all the products needed for the woman who prefers to use both tampons and pads, panty liners, wipes and a monthly goodie such as socks, under eye mask, scrunchies, etc.


The monthly period subscription kit made for the woman who uses both pads and tampons.

Includes 6 tampons, 6 ALWAYS pads, panty liners, wipes and monthly goodies ( such as scrunchies, under eye mask, socks, etc.)

Cykletime On-the-Go Bag is included with first order only. It makes a terrific carry-along bag for your personal hygiene supplies.

Additional Information

Shipments go out on the 5th and 25th of each month. Orders placed between the 1st and 15th of the month, ship on the 25th; orders placed between the 16th and 31st ship out on the 5th of the following month.